The Blog Is Finally Being Used!

Posted by KD8PZU

Huzzah! This blog is finally being used after 12 years of sitting idle!

The post creation system definitely needs an update so I can use Markdown in addition to HTML and goodness this theme could use a bit of an update so it doesn't drip of Web 2.0, but the foundation still seems solid so let's do this!

It'll be a bit before I'll have time to give the blog some much-needed TLC but I'll use this to communicate important information about amateur radio and adjacent projects of mine.

Something that has been added so far though is page page analytics using a tool called GoatCounter. A nice thing about GoatCounter is that it's open source and does not track any...

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Posted by KD8PZU

This is a placeholder post for an upcoming amateur radio project I've been working on bringing to market.

In the configuration file, there will have a link to this page which will give information about how to make use of it once the project launches, likely on Etsy but time will tell!

About Me

Posted by KD8PZU

This is just a placeholder for the About Me page, which actually just uses the blogging backend to create the pages, similar to things like WordPress.

My name is Ken, this website is something that I wrote from scratch back in 2012 in a fairly esoteric programming language which won't be named for fear of being shamed.

It's a simple blogging system but it's reliable enough that I'll give it a proper test now that I'm getting back into amateur radio!

Setting up the website

Posted by KD8PZU

Setting up a simple blog for right now.

I'll get around to improving it, styling it, and adding more features later.